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Israel – an occupying power ?

Gavin Kadey

I write this, not as an expert, for I certainly do not fall into that category ! I write this as a layman, yes, I am pro Israel.

The storm that has arisen over comments made by the Australian foreign minister refers.

In an article from the Times of Israel, Hanan Ashrawi was quoted as saying I would like to remind the Australian government that in accordance with international human rights law and international humanitarian law, all settlements are illegal,”

The article then goes on to say, that she was citing Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 43 of the Hague Regulations.

What exactly do these articles say ?

ARTICLE 49 [ Link ] 

Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.
Nevertheless, the Occupying Power may undertake total or partial evacuation of a given area if the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand. Such evacuations may not involve the displacement of protected persons outside the bounds of the occupied territory except when for material reasons it is impossible to avoid such displacement. Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased.
The Occupying Power undertaking such transfers or evacuations shall ensure, to the greatest practicable extent, that proper accommodation is provided to receive the protected persons, that the removals are effected in satisfactory conditions of hygiene, health, safety and nutrition, and that members of the same family are not separated.
The Protecting Power shall be informed of any transfers and evacuations as soon as they have taken place.
The Occupying Power shall not detain protected persons in an area particularly exposed to the dangers of war unless the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand.
The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.

We see, from this article, that the convention is speaking of forcible transfers, either mass, or individual from the occupied territory.

One may say, that this applies to Israel, because there are those that say that Israel forcibly expelled Arabs from the disputed areas in the run up to the war of independence in 1948.

In my opinion, this is utter tripe;

(1) Israel was not in a position to do such a thing since the land in question was definitely NOT under her control !
(2) It is well known, that the Arab populations were exhorted to leave by the invading Arab armies, and were promised the lands back after the Jews had been driven into the sea.
(3) Importantly, regarding (2) above, it must be noted, that between 1948 and 1967 when this territory was under Jordanian control, it was not given to the people as had been promised. In my opinion, this was possibly one of the reasons for the civil war of 1970 in Jordan, now called “Black September.”

Now, on to the next highlighted text, “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.”

This is, in my opinion, the text that has everyone shouting “illegal” when it comes to Israel. Yes, I would agree with these people, if the terms of the article had been breached – but they haven’t !

It is in the interpretation, of this line, that people have given themselves license to demonize Israel.

The article clearly states “Individual or mass forcible transfers” – so, in order to apply it to Israel, one needs to remove the clause “forcible transfers,” for the towns and villages in the disputed territories were certainly not formed through “Individual or mass forcible transfers,” but, through a willing and conscious effort on behalf of the Israeli people.

You may say, that the article does not use the term “forcible,” and therefore it does not apply in this case, but there are two rebuttals to this;
(1) In the opening statement, the Parameters for the article are set, i.e. “forcible transfers !

(2) ”The text of the article is itself specific, when it makes use of the term “deport,” which is, a term implying forcible removal ! Again, it must be reinforced, that these so called “settlements” did not, in any way, come about by forcible removal of, or mass population transfers.

Both article 49 of the Geneva convention, and also article 43 of the Hague convention, address the issue of an occupying power and Israel is painted as an occupying power for the sake of demonization, but is she indeed, an  “occupying power?”

Let’s take a closer look……..

Military Occupation

Military occupation occurs when a belligerent state invades the territory of another state with the intention of holding the territory at least temporarily. While hostilities continue, the occupying state is prohibited by International Law from annexing the territory or creating another state out of it, but the occupying state may establish some form of military administration over the territory and the population. Under the Martial Law imposed by this regime, residents are required to obey the occupying authorities and may be punished for not doing so. Civilians may also be compelled to perform a variety of nonmilitary tasks for the occupying authorities, such as the repair of roads and buildings, provided such work does not contribute directly to the enemy war effort.

Military occupation occurs when a belligerent state invades the territory of another state with the intention of holding the territory at least temporarily.” – This is the definition of an “occupying power,” as given by the “free”

In order to clarify the situation, it’s necessary to figure out who, in actual fact has title to the land in question, since the definition says that the “territory of another state was invaded.”

The U.N. partition plan of 1947, which was NEVER implemented, and of course refused by the Arabs, gave territory to Israel and territory to “Palestine.” The disputed territories of Judea and Samaria (“West bank,” a term coined by Jordan, since it is actually in the East of Israel!) being among those that were to be given to the Arabs.

As I said, the partition plan was never implemented, so although Jordan was called an “occupying power” and even went so far as to annex the land, this is not strictly correct.

From whom did they take the land that they were occupying ?

From the Palestinians ? – Unlikely, since the partition plan was rejected by them, therefore it would appear to my small mind, that they no longer had claim to it !

The truth is, that they took it from the British, an adminstering power, who were also an “occupying power” – since the land was taken from the Ottoman Turks. The Turks had been sovereign rulers of the land for about 600 years………

So, in actual fact, the land in question did not belong to “another state,” it was administered by the British mandate.

Under those circumstances, it seems to me, inappropriate to use the term “occupying power,” even with respect to Jordan (1948 – 1967).

This is of course, the reason why “disputed territories” is a much better description, “occupied territores” is prejudicial, and suggests some type of beligerancy.

So from whom is Israel an “occupying power?” Again, the question arises, not from Jordan, not from the British and certainly not from the Ottoman Turks !

From the Palestinians ? Who are they ? More importantly, who were they ?

The answer to this question, is simple, – they never existed ! They themselves refused their own existence when they chose to negate the partition plan !

Again, we come back to the question, is Israel really an occupying power? Who had historical title to the land ?

There are those that will cite Jewish connections to the land for over 3500 years, mentioning king David, king Solomon and the two temples that stood in Jerusalem.

They are correct !

More recently however, there was a legal precedent set by the Balfour declaration and then the conference of San Remo.

The Balfour declaration states “His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. “

The conference of San Remo, gave legitimacy to the claims by the Jewish people for recognition as a people under the law of nations and also to their historical connection to the land.

Initially, the plan was to give the Jews, all of what is now Israel and Jordan as a homeland, but through various processes, they were given only about 17% of the land that was originally alloted to them.

The balance, was given to the formation of the kingdom of Jordan and to the state of Palestine, the latter being rejected out of hand as stated earlier.

The San Remo conference, which was ratified by the then league of nations is the most recent legal document regarding the disputed territories of Israel.

The U.N. in it’s partition plan of 1947, sought to change that. It is certainly arguable whether in fact, they had the legal authority to do so.

When looked at in this way, Israel is occupying the “disputed territories” FROM ITSELF ! 

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The 19th Maccabi Games !


The 19th Maccabi games are due to get under way tomorrow, with the opening ceremony to be held at Teddy stadium in Jerusalem.

I recently decided that I would like to report on the games for my blog, and perhaps I might also get to sell a few photographs at the same time! Having made the decision, I needed to get accreditation as a journalist and I was uncertain of how to go about doing this. I spoke to a couple of friends who, despite being in the field, seemed to have no idea!
What to do?

I decided to call the offices and ask, worst case scenario, I’m back where I started!

I called, and was given a name, let’s call him Dave, and a phone number which I called at the beginning of last week. I was given simple instructions, send a passport type photograph, my i.d. number and then to call on Sunday.

Sunday arrived and I called, the guy remembered my name! I was, to say the least stunned, I have not yet experienced this here. I was advised to be at the Maccabi village this morning at 10!

Being the person I am, I arrived early, about an hour early in fact, and went about the task of hunting Dave down! I was given a bit of a run around, until at last (at just after 11) I was ushered into a large hall where the journalist’s presentation had just taken place!

I went through a side door, to a room where the journalists were being given their i.d. tags together with a folder of stuff that had, in my opinion, very little to do with the games themselves.

Things had seemed just a bit too easy and it came as no real surprise, to find that my tag had not been made!

I found Dave, and was again surprised that he recognised me. After discussing the next move, we decided that I would wait and Dave rushed off, after giving me assurances that he would be back in 15 minutes with my tag! It turned out to be the longest 15 minutes of my life – – I never saw Dave again!

After waiting for what must have been at least two hours (we Anglo Saxon types are definitely not as pushy as Israelis and we have infinitely more patience!) I was approached by one of the staff members who told me that I should come back tomorrow.

Naturally I objected, and after some discussion, I was told to wait a bit more because the person who makes the i.d.’s was on lunch – surprise surprise!

Anyway, I eventually received the i.d. tag and was on my way. I finally walked out of the building at two thirty!

The staff were genuinely apologetic, and kept offering me refreshments, on the whole, my wait was not an unpleasant one!

The little bit of difficulty that I experienced today seems a small price to pay for what promises to be an interesting couple of weeks!

I hope to update every day or two, but maybe that won’t happen, keep checking, they will come!



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Why the left is dead !

I grew up in Africa, in a place that afforded the white minority a very high standard of living. A standard of living amongst the best in the world.  I grew up in a country where military insurgency by communist financed freedom fighters, was a daily occurrence. Every day bringing a new list, the names of those who had fallen protecting us.

Things seemed to be black and white, or at least to me they did. You had the capitalists, and at the other end of the spectrum, you had the communists. You had “right wing” conservatives and you had “left wing” liberals. You had fascists and pacifists, and it seemed to me, as if everything in the middle was grey!

What was very obvious, is that the left and right did not meet, the liberals had nothing in common with the conservatives, the communists and capitalists didn’t see eye to eye, and neither did the fascists and pacifists.

It wasn’t until I was about 13 or 14, that my good friend David confused the hell out of me. He was attending S.A.C.S. school in Cape Town and they seemed to be learning stuff that simply never made it into our classrooms. He told me, that at the end of the the spectrum, both opposites meet – kinda like the idea that parallel lines meet at infinity!

As much as I wanted to throw out this information, I could not afford to ignore it, David was a very smart guy! He went on to become a doctor, and today heads up a prestigious department in an equally prestigious hospital somewhere in the U.K.

Anyway, I’m straying from the point, the “liberal left” stood for something, and growing up in the lap of luxury, like many others of my generation, I could afford to pay lip service to the idea of being one of those lefties.

The left stood for social consciousness, good family values and an “all for one and one for all” ideal – and we believed it! Never mind that such an ideal flies in the face of human nature.

The right, of course, was dog eat dog – which is a system that is really much more in tune with human nature.

Being idealistic is nice when you can afford to be, and amongst many of my friends, I have noticed a shift from the liberalism of youth, to the conservatism of wisdom.

What I have also noticed, and it disturbs me, is the “liberal left,” becoming more and more marginalised, to the point where the lines become blurred as to who is left and who is right. I can hear my friend David coughing in the background and saying “I told you so!”

The left has been synonymous with gay’s rights, freedom of speech, women’s liberation and other equally important movements for as long as I can remember! Quite frankly, those were the kinds of things that appealed to me as a youngster, lets give a voice to those too timid to be heard, let’s help them to be heard. Let’s help to free the oppressed!

This disturbing trend that I have noticed, is the tendency for the left to put it’s weight behind the right, thus blurring what, for me, was once a solid line – nay, a veritable chasm, separating the left and the right.

The left, still claims to be for the underdog, for gay rights, for the unheard, for the oppressed, but they have gotten their wires crossed somewhere along the way. Today, the “liberal left,” can be seen on university campuses screaming about apartheid, just as they did then, only now, it is Israel that stands accused of this crime!

The left, is putting it’s weight behind that of Islam, they are ostensibly doing this, to highlight the plight of the “palestinian” people. A people upon whom apartheid is practised by all of Israel’s neigbours. In Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, palestinians are not allowed to work and must live in refugee camps or ghettoes, reminiscent of the “townships” made famous in South Africa.

The left and Islam are radically ideologically opposed!

The left espouses modern values – Islam would return humanity to the dark ages!

The left would be for gay rights – Islam would execute gays as an abomiation!

The left would be for feminism and equality – Islam would subjugate women, treating them as subhuman. In Islam, women are regularly beaten by their husbands and honour killings are commonplace, as is the consummation of marriages between men and mere girls!

The left would be for freedom of expression – Islam condemns anything non Islamic as an expression of blasphemy!

The left, often atheistic, may be for freedom of religion – Islam will exterminate those who refuse to convert!

How is it, that the liberal left is now in bed with the most extreme form of right wing fascism that this planet has ever seen? What is it that makes this relationship work?

The answer to this question eludes me, is this just a “marriage of convenience,” and if so, what has the left to gain?

Is it money, the promise of petrodollars, you scratch my back – and I’ll scratch yours? This is a plausible answer but it doesn’t quite fit.

Are the leftists so naive that they think Islam will forget about them, or somehow stop short of their stated aim of putting the world under sharia law? This doesn’t quite answer it for me either.

I think that the answer is much simpler, the left can see itself, it has already felt the dying pangs of globalisation and the information superhighway that render it, to a large degree, redundant. Everybody has a voice in the new age, and the left is not really needed to promote lesser causes anymore.

Aside from which, the world’s economy is under stress and many cannot afford to be liberals anymore, opting instead for the more pragmatic capitalist approach!

So, the left has changed it’s tune and is now blustering along with the opposition, in the futile hope, that it will be granted a place alongside Islam in the final Islamisation of the world, that Islam will leave them be. – FAT CHANCE!

The left knows that it is a dead man walking and is just clutching at the Islamic straw with the forlorn hope that a miracle will happen to it’s sorry atheistic self!

How else, can it’s actions and lack of integrity be explained?

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Twisted Texting !!!

twisted texting

Further to my post of yesterday, here is an example of what I call “text twisting!” This method is one of the most commonly used in order to gloss over actions made by the “poor palestinians!”

Follow the link to read the article!

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Holocaust remembrance day!

On the eve of the holocaust remembrance day, I sit and wonder about the future of the Jewish people.

On the one hand we have the Iranians, who, in their quest for nuclear abilities, have threatened to destroy Israel.

On the other hand, we have various arms of hamas and fatah, insidiously infiltrating into all facets of student life throughout the world. They promote an agenda of “apartheid” Israel. This is a cry, which is often echoed by many a South African politician, and in doing so, they degrade the respect that the apartheid struggle deserves! Apartheid

There is no “apartheid” in Israel, and to suggest so, is an affront to those that lost their lives fighting for freedom in South Africa.

On another front, you have the geeks, sitting in coffee shops with their laptops and cellphones, calling for sanctions against Israel and divestment from her economy. These hypocritical hackers, are dripping with the very technology that they would have others boycott! These are the manipulators of truth, text twisters, who dictate what the blind sheep of this world believe without question!

The de-legitimisation of Israel by these and other methods, is just a smokescreen for the real agenda – the genocide of the Jews!

Over there, we have Gaza, a territory that Egypt refused to take back from Israel, eventually given to the so-called “Palestinians” in a trade for peace. The Gazan administration has chosen to perform regional rape on the economy, choosing military struggle, over financial independence. During the Israeli “occupation,” Gaza was an agricultural powerhouse, which infrastructure was left intact for the new administration.

History shows, that this infrastructure was destroyed shortly after it was handed over!

The worldwide cries of this pathetically “poor” people, would have one believe, that in Gaza, Israel is still an occupier! Why is this so, because in an effort to prevent the incessant rocket and terror attacks which have originated from Gaza, Israel has legally enforced a naval blockade.

Those Israel detractors would have you believe, that this naval blockade is the cause of a “humanitarian crisis” afflicting the residents of Gaza. Nothing could be further from the truth, there is opulence in Gaza, much of it due to the abundance of pocket money doled out by the world – and siphoned off by the ruling elite. If there is a humanitarian crisis, it is not of Israel’s causing!

Over here, we have fatah, which governs an area erroneously known as the “West bank,” this is an area that was, according to the U.N. partition plan, to be a part of the Palestinian state. Of course, history shows that the partition plan was rejected by the whole Arab world, who preferred war to independence and coexistence – a situation that has, sadly, not changed one iota since!

From 1948 until 1967, the West bank was ruled over by the Jordanian Hashemite kingdom of Hussein, not once was it ever offered back to the “palestinians,” who left the area voluntarily, hoping to return triumphantly with the Arab armies after “driving the Jews into the sea!”

The fact that the “palestinians” now lay claim to this area after rejecting it outright in favour of war, is actually absurd, and that the world allows such folly, is ridiculous! This is akin to “having one’s cake and eating it!”

The fatah government, is also anti Israel and residents of the area are always engaged in secretive, subversive activities.

Here, in Israel, we have left wing, self hating Jews who seem to have forgotten the lessons that we should have learnt from the holocaust. People like Amira Hass who publicly advocate the murder of other people!  These people, can be likened to the “erev rav,” a group of Egyptian tag – alongs who left Egypt with Moses and the Jewish people thousands of years ago!

It seems, that these people, and the world at large, do not believe the rhetoric that is directed at Israel by Iran, fatah, hamas, and other Arab entities. They overlook the fact, that the charters of fatah and hamas call for the eradication of the Jews and their state, thereby denying Israel’s right to exist. In doing so, they only demonstrate the truth of the matter, that is – “we do not want to coexist with Israel, we want to obliterate her!”

Let us not be confused here, the world is calling for the destruction of Israel. Some, like Iran, hamas and fatah are doing it publicly, broadcasting their intentions to all and sundry. Others, use text twisting tactics to manipulate public opinion against “Zionism,” or “occupation,” in order to cast a veil of respectability over their often vehement anti Semitism.

On the eve of the holocaust remembrance day, I sit and wonder about the future of the Jewish people, the Egyptians enslaved us and they no longer exist, the Babylonians, Greeks and Romans conquered us and likewise, their cultures have vanished. The nazis tried to implement their “final solution,” and they too have fallen from power.

The Israel defense forces are good, and they help me to sleep better at night, although   I,  a believer at heart, really have no problems sleeping at night to begin with!

So, no, I no longer worry about us, we’ll be just fine – as we always have been!

It is to you world, that I say – take a lesson from history, if you are all so intent on our destruction, what is to become of you?

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